Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Nowkoelln Flowmarkt

This Flohmarkt only occurs once a month takes place on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month and is one of our favourites so far. There are far less professional market traders selling over-priced handbags and cameras that you find at Mauerpark and Boxhagener. The general fare tends to be people selling their own second hand stuff or crafts people selling hand-made things.

The location is lovely, stretching along the canal, and the atmosphere very cheerful. There are live music acts throughout the day and food stands (which are actually a bit pricey).

Our stall at Nowkoelln Flowmarkt
We have been twice and found some great bargains on both visits. People are willing to haggle and if you're prepared to rummage around then you can get some crazy things for just a few euros.

Nowkoelln is also a good spot to sell your own stuff. Having helped clear out an apartment in our block we had a fair amount of curious items to sell and had a great day standing next to the canal. We made some nice new friends: people were very friendly, despite our inability to count auf Deutsch.

Check the website for the date of the next market: Nowkoelln Flowmarkt. If you want a to have a stand at the market you can either sign up at the proceeding event for a large 3m covered stand, or just turn up on the day with your own table/rail/rug and they come around and collect money off you depending on how much space you have.

Directions: go to Schonleinstr. on the U8, take the exit for Burknerstr., go down Burknerstr. and then keep following the canal until you reach the market.